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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This document provides answers to some common questions about using thePowerCAMPUS Self-Service application. This information should help you get started using the application. Once you become a little familiar with the application and open up the On-line Help System, you will see how easy it is to find out how to perform any task.

General Questions

Registration Questions

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use PowerCAMPUS Self-Service?

PowerCAMPUS Self-Service provides students, faculty members, alumni, and administrators with access to their school information anytime.

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How do I create a Self-Service user account?

If an account has already been created for you in PowerCAMPUS, you will be notified when an administrator creates your Self-Service account. If you need to, you can request that an administrator create a Self-Service account for you, by selecting Request Account on the Login window. When new users select the Continuing Education menu item on the Register tab, they will need to Create a New Account before they can register.

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How do I change my password?

After you log in, you can select the My Profile tab and then the Change Password option.

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What makes a good password?

You should select a password that is easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess. Your password should be at least 8 characters long and include lower-case and upper-case letters, numbers, and at least one special character, like !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, or _.

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What if I forget my password?

If you forget your password, select Forgot My Password on the Login window. Once you identify yourself by entering your user name and correctly answering your security question, you will be e-mailed a temporary password so that you can log in and then change your password.

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How do I use the On-line Help System?

Select the Help link at the top of any page and then choose to display Help for this page. You can then:

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How do I find my degree requirements?

To display your degree requirements, select the Home tab and then the Degree Requirements menu item. Then specify the program and degree to display your course requirements for earning that degree.

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Which courses do I need to take?

To find out which courses you still need to take in order to earn your degree, review your academic plan. Select the Register tab and then the Academic Plan menu item.

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How do I register for Traditional courses?

After you log in, select the Register tab and then the Traditional Courses menu item. You can register for any period for which the status is OK to Register . The registration wizard will guide you through the registration process as you select the period, search for the courses you want and add them to your cart, review and finalize your schedule, and pay for your courses.

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Why can't I register for classes?

The registration period may not be open for anyone or your registration group, your advisor may not have authorized you to register for classes, or you may be on the stop list.

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How do I access the latest information for my class?

Your instructor will create a Course Home Page for your class so that you can view your instructor's course announcements, download course documents, submit your completed activities, or participate in class discussion boards. Select the Classes tab and then the Schedule menu item to view your course schedule. Then select the link to Go to the Course Home Page for the course.

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How do I register for Continuing Education courses?

Select the Register tab and then the Continuing Education menu item. The registration wizard will guide you through the registration process as you search for the courses you want and add them to your cart, review and finalize your schedule, and pay for your courses.

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